
Everyone who participates in Y programs and services is either a facility member or a Program Participant. Program Participants are those who pay a fee for a specific program such as before and after school care or an organized fitness program. Becoming a Program Participant entitles you to participate in specific Y activities such as swimming lessons, youth sports, aerobic classes, and gymnastics. Facility privileges (except those used in your program) are not included.

A facility membership entitles you to full use of the facilities. All program classes are included in our memberships. The only additional charges are for personal training, massage therapy and swimming lessons. There are a wide variety of classes, please see the Health & Wellness and Aquatics program calendars on other links in this site to peruse our choices. Memberships are not transferable from one individual to another.


Joining Fee

All new members pay a one-time joining fee. Memberships that have lapsed for more than 30 days will be subject to paying the joining fee again, and are considered new members.

*Adults and their dependent children under the age of 24 residing at the same address.

**Members will be given a 30-day notice of any rate increase.